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Attack Strategies

Clash of Clans Attack Strategies: TH: 6 – Healer + Giant Army

By March 14th, 20222 Comments

Try this effective attack strategy for Town Hall Level 6+.

Town Hall Level:
Trophy Level:
Army Composition:Minimum Housing Space Required: 135

Troop TypeQuantityMin Lvl
Wall Breakers2-6
Lightning Spells2

Any combination of Barbarians, Archers and Goblins that you prefer for support and cleanup.

Execution:The Healer is a flying unit that heals and is, like all air units, susceptible to Air Defenses. Destroy Air Defenses with the Giants before deploying the Healer, or at least deploy the Healer in such a way that it will heal the Giants for a long time before it dies to an Air Defense (by eventually coming within range). The goal of any Healer + Giant attack is to take out the Air Defense. However sometimes Archer Towers can be just as annoying to Healers; your Giants may take out the Air Defense, but a nearby Archer Tower decides to ignore the Giant horde and kills the Healer instead. As Healers are very weak and cannot defend themselves, the strategy may not work due to well-placed Archer Towers, Air Defenses and/or Wizard Towers.

  1. Deploy one Giant and as many Wall Breakers needed to break through the wall.
  1. Once the wall is broken, deploy the rest of your Giants to take out the Air Defense.
  1. Once the Air Defense is down, deploy the Healer and more Wall Breakers if needed. If you have Goblins and Barbarians, deploy them.
  1. If the opponent’s Mortars can one-shot your Archers, it’s advisable to use 2 Lightning Spells to destroy one Mortar.
TroopsTown Hall 6 Example ArmyTown Hall 9 Example Army
Wall Breakers44
Total Army Supply135200

This attack should get you at least 2 stars unless you didn’t deploy the troops properly. Wall Breakers help with this strategy by letting the Giants in. Goblins will also help by stealing resources.


See more Clash of Clans attack strategies.